Decor Apaara is an Indian brand providing indoor & outdoor decor solutions (mats, carpets and artificial grass) for homes, offices and cars, and looking to expand their offerings to flooring, furnishings, kitchenware and landscaping. The brand is strongly driven by quality & design, while constantly exploring the latest trends and styles.
A vibrant identity was needed, one that is attractive to Indian clientele. The word ‘Apaara’ means infinite in Sanskrit; thus Decor Apaara is a brand offering infinite decor solutions to their customers.
We created a custom word mark colouring the negative spaces in the type with a vibrant colour palette. This spectrum of colours is representative of the multitude of their offerings. And in the simplest version, the form works well in emboss / deboss applications.
The collateral is designed to be modern and functional, while being informative and descriptive of the product. Swatch books, packaging, labels, cartons, standees and brochures have been designed for the brand to rollout. The products are now out in multi-brand stores across India.